Tobias Hauser

Principal Investigator | Tübingen & UCL
Tobias is a full Professor of Computational Psychiatry at the University of Tübingen and an Honoray Professor at University College London (UCL). As the head of the Developmental Computational Psychiatry group, he wants to understand how neurocognitive mechanisms can go awry and lead to mental health problems.

Meng Gao
Lab manager | Tübingen
Meng is currently training to become a psychotherapist. Meng holds a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and is deeply fascinated by the complexities of the brain, particularly its functions and malfunctions in psychiatric conditions. Meng is excited to see new scientific advancements that bridge the gap between research and clinical practice, which contribute to a deeper understanding of the brain, and can lead to more effective interventions and treatments for those affected by mental health disorders.

Susan Fischer
Research coordinator | Tübingen
Susan runs both the DevComPsy lab and Peter Dayan’s group at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics and the University of Tübingen administratively, focussing on people, finance, operations, grants and strategy. She has previously worked in different research and higher education institutions both in Germany and United Kingdom (Max Planck UCL Centre, London; Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, London; MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology at King’s College London; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Dresden) and has gained a vast knowledge and invaluable experience of the workings of large undertakings. Susan is passionate about new work concepts and diversity, equity and inclusion and is heavily involved in the coordination of the CaCTüS Internship programme and a campus-wide Diversity Seminar Series.

Ben Wagner
Postdoc | Tübingen
Ben has worked on the role of dopamine in intertemporal choice, reinforcement learning, and the interplay between habitual and goal-directed behaviour in mental health and disease. He is broadly interested in how the brain interprets the world under uncertainty, drawing on concepts from the Bayesian brain and active inference. In the DCP lab, Ben will focus on joint computational modelling of large datasets from different behavioural tasks and questionnaire data.

Maciej Szul
Postdoc | Tübingen
Maciej's scientific interests lie broadly on the intersection of motor control, decision-making, computational modelling (behaviour and neuronal signal), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and advanced signal processing; in particular: non-sinusoidal signal analysis (e.g. beta burst waveforms), laminar source reconstruction with SQUID-MEG, and rhythmicity analysis. In DCP, he is primarily focused on a project concerning pre-stimulus origins of variability in post-decision confidence, culminating in a real-time MEG experiment.

Aleya Marzuki
Postdoc | Tübingen
Aleya is interested in understanding the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying psychiatric disorders, particularly obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In the DCP, they will research how symptoms and associated cognitive processes fluctuate over time, as well as how decision-making is impacted by specific features of OCD (e.g., inflated responsibility and not-just-right-experiences).

Magda del Rio
Postdoc | UCL
Magda is interested in the underpinnings of belief updating and their relation to psychiatric symptoms. In the DCP lab, she focuses on the mechanisms of information sampling in OCD using MEG and behavioural data.

George Tertikas
Postdoc | UCL
George has a medical degree and a research background on exploratory behaviour. His current research interests revolves around anxiety-related disorders (e.g., obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)) and how they influence decision-making as evaluated through computational modelling. In the DPC, he will be using neuroimaging to understand the neural signatures of learning in the brain.

Lenard Dome

Postdoc | Tübingen
Lenard is currently developing a computational modelling toolbox to help model comparisons on large data sets in developmental computational psychiatry. Lenard's primary research focuses on modelling human heterogeneity and creating new and innovative frameworks for large-scale relative model comparisons. In addition, he has done effect-centric research on when intelligent systems fail with a particular focus on the inverse base-rate effect - an irrational effect of non-uniform generalization of learned experience.

Kenza Kadri 
Postdoc | Tübingen
Kenza’s research interests span decision neurosciences, psychology and modelling. In the DCP, she will investigate how endogenous dopamine fluctuation impacts decision-making. She previously discussed the link between the connectivity profile of the striatum and impulsivity in Humans and how it relates to Credit Assignment variability (under the supervision of Dr Elsa Fouragnan, University of Plymouth) and how impulsivity.

Alisa Loosen

Postdoc | New York City
Alisa is a postdoctoral fellow at the Developmental Computational Psychiatry Lab and the Computational Psychiatry Centre at Mount Sinai NYC (Gu Lab). She completed her PhD in computational psychiatry at UCL (supervised by Tobias) as part of the Comp2Psych Programme. Her doctoral research focused on learning and decision-making alterations in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Alisa's current postdoctoral research investigates the neurocomputational mechanisms of reward and effort learning, utilizing intracranial recordings in humans.

Tricia Seow

Postdoc | UCL
Tricia’s research interests lie in understanding the role of decision making and metacognition in compulsivity, a subcomponent of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) that has transdiagnostic relevance. In the DCP, she will further investigate neurocognitive mechanisms that predict the success or failure of standardised cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) for OCD, with the ultimate goal of understanding mechanisms underlying OCD and improving CBT outcomes.

Xin Sui
PhD student | Tübingen
Xin is a PhD student at the International Max Planck Research School: the mechanisms of mental function and dysfunction (IMPRS-MMFD), co-supervised by Tobias and Peter Dayan. She has a BSc in Mathematics and Economics from the College of William and Mary and an MSc in Neural Information Processing from the University of Tübingen. She's interested in the computational mechanisms of transdiagnostic symptoms associated with anxiety and depression (e.g. rumination and worry), and more broadly prevention and treatment of mental health conditions. Her current project focuses on modeling optimal risk-sensitive exploration.

Claudius Gruner
MD student | Tübingen
Claudius is a medical and cognitive science student at the University of Tuebingen. He is interested in how decision making, memory, language, emotion and motivation work and work together to enable human cognition. In the DCP he is investigating how depression alters decision making in adolescents using computational modelling.

Larisa Dinu
PhD student | KCL
Larisa is a rotation PhD student on the LIDo DTP. She has a BSc in Psychology and MSc in Psychiatric Research. Larisa is interested in the early detection and prevention of mental health disorders, heterogeneity and dynamic cognitive changes across the lifespan. In her rotation, she works on developing an ecological sampling method for understanding variability in impulsivity and compulsivity in young people.

Sam Hewitt

PhD student | UCL
Sam is a PhD student on the UCL-Birkbeck MRC-DTP. He Is interested in how we learn to be motivated toward certain actions, how changes in motivation and decision-making relate to the development of mental health conditions and the brain mechanisms which are important in this. Prior to joining the DCP lab, Sam worked as a Research Assistant in the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge.