Brain Explorer App

Why do most mental health illnesses first manifest before adulthood? Our Brain Explorer smartphone app was developed by Vasilisa Skvortsova and Tobias Hauser to investigate how brain development is linked to mental health in an exciting citizen science project.

The Brain Explorer app is an entertaining app with many cool games and some questionnaires that helps us better understant the brain and cognitive processes that are important for development and mental health.

Please help us collect important data by playing our games on your phone or tablet! It is available for both Andoid and Apple devices.

When you play the games, you will learn more about how well you have done in these games, you can earn medals for your achievements, and climb up space ranks!

The Brain Explorer app is build using fun and entertaing graphics for young and old. To find out more, please visit

Contribute to research from your couch – download the Brain Explorer App now!